Strengths and Weaknesses of Japan's Manufacturing Industry

Наука и исследования Промышленность Экономика

Онлайн при поддержке Точка кипения СВФУ им. М.К. Аммосова Якутск

21 октября 2021, с 16:00 до 17:30 по Московскому времени


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О мероприятии

21 октября, 16.00-17.30 ЯКТ (10.00-11.30 МСК)

Международная научная школа СВФУ (NEFU School of International
приглашает вас в четверг 21 октября на вторую открытую лекцию на
английском языке на тему «Strengths and Weaknesses of Japan's Manufacturing


- Pr. Tadachika Nakayama, Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan


Post-war growth,
world's second largest GDP, post-bubble economic downturn


How did
Japan's manufacturing industry grow?
What are the strengths of Japanese companies?

Why Japan's
manufacturing industry has become weak?


strategies for Japanese companies in the future


economists have already analyzed the strengths of Japan's manufacturing
industry. This lecture, on the other hand, is an analysis of the strengths of
Japan's manufacturing industry from the perspective of a professor of
engineering and a discussion of the future of the industry. The biggest
difference between analysis by economists and analysis by Professor in the
Faculty of Engineering is that the Professor understand the content of the
technology and “the way of thinking” of engineers.

Japan's manufacturing industry grew rapidly due to the growth of venture
companies such as Sony (founded in 1946) and Honda (founded in 1948), which
were born after World War II (1945). Japan's GDP grew to become the second
largest in the world after the US, surpassing West Germany in 1968. However, in
2010, Japan's GDP was overtaken by China to become the third largest in the
world. In this lecture, we will first learn about the history of Japan's
manufacturing industry. Then, we will analyze the reasons for the occurrence of
these events. Furthermore, the current state of Japan's manufacturing industry
and the future vision of Japan's manufacturing industry will be explained.

ВНИМАНИЕ: лекция проводится на английском языке без перевода.

Мероприятие проводится в онлайн-формате. Трансляция лекции будет доступна на странице мероприятия участникам, подавшим заявку на участие. Код доступа в Zoom: 519752



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