About the Boiling Point Network

More than a hundred sites from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka in universities, manufacturing facilities and open urban spaces stimulate the country's technological development. Boiling Points work seamlessly with business partners, research organizations and regional development institutions. Help local teams launch and scale projects. Support professional communities. Facilitate education and career development for participants.

Boiling points in the network: 174

Boiling Point Network in numbers

Geography of Boiling points

Countries 1
Regions 71
Cities 94

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14 Boiling points

Точка кипения НИЯУ МИФИ

Пн-Пт: 10:00 - 21:00
Сб-Вс: 10:00 - 16:00
Переговорка Доступная среда Оборудование для трансляции


Москва, Каширское шоссе, д. 64

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What are the topics for talk in the Point:

Ядерные технологии Информационная безопасность IT SafeNet HealthNet

Точка кипения ГУУ Москва

Пн-Чт: 09:00 - 18:00
Пт: 09:00 - 17:00
Большие залы Переговорка Оборудование для трансляции Оборудование для телемоста


Москва, Рязанский проспект, д. 99, к. 16

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What are the topics for talk in the Point:

AutoNet EnergyNet EduNet TechNet NeuroNet

How to open your Boiling Point and become a network partner


Apply now

Before submitting an application, it is important to read the Boiling Point guide on opening and answer three questions:
1. Why do you need Boiling Point?
2. Do you have the space, resources to open and operate a Boiling Point?
3. Have you found a team?


Get training

Training is an important stage in preparation for opening. Every year we launch several training streams for teams under the guidance of the tutors that have already found resources, formed a team and are ready to open the Boiling Point this year.
Final Learning is defense of the concepts of future Boiling Points.


Preparing for the opening

Preparation includes: weekly online meetings with the tutor, discussion of the preparation of the opening. At this time, the initiating team is making repairs to the space, holding meetings with the communities, preparing the opening program (forum).


Boiling Point opening

At this stage, a forum for the opening of the Boiling Point takes place, the signing of an agreement on the opening of the space.
You become a part of the Boiling Points network.

Network development team


Артамкин Антон Сергеевич

АНО «Платформа НТИ» • Заместитель начальника отдела развития сети Точек Кипения


Косарева Дарья Дмитриевна

АНО «Платформа НТИ» • Руководитель программ


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