Kiwi.com Brno Moscow Python Meetup

Инновации Образование

Москва, Точка кипения - Москва

5 декабря 2018, с 19:00 до 22:00

Организатор начнет принимать заявки с 5 декабря в 18:00

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О мероприятии

On December 5, at 19:00, we’re going to host a special event – Brno-Moscow Python Meetup sponsored by global innovative online travel agency Kiwi.com which is headquartered in Brno, Czech Republic. Kiwi.com is an awesome place to work for Python devs.

Event agenda:

1. Challenges at Kiwi.com: Connecting hundreds

What is Kiwi.com? Why is engineering so important to a travel agency? How do we solve our problems? Tin will answer these questions and more when he explains the methodology of this budding techno-travel giant. We'll look at the problems of growing at breakneck speed, the advantages of being in a friendly environment and the challenges that make it all exciting.

Speaker: Tin Markovič

Software engineer, full stack developer with a strong bent towards software architecture. Designing systems, rather than components — code as product. Booking Backend team leader.

2. Democratizing data at Kiwi.com

How can we share analytical data and insights across such a large company?
Using the power of graph databases and natural language processing, we implemented a solution that helps us in finding the right information for the right people.

Speaker: Artur Mindiyarov

BI data engineer, member of Data Experimentation team. In a free time I travel, read or play Mario Kart.

3. Upgrading PostgreSQL on AWS RDS with (almost) zero downtime

Every database admin’s nightmare & every manager’s dream: Database upgrades without an outage. But is it really so difficult?
In my presentation, I will describe our journey and how we were able to do it. We will explore the challenges of the process including preparation, schema changes, the upgrade, and finally data consistency verification. It’s all about consistency and readiness, isn’t it?

Speaker: Stanislav Komanec

Stanislav is the Platform Team Leader who has worked on many key projects at Kiwi.com and helped grow the company to where it is now. He stepped outside his comfort zone and grew into an outstanding people manager. Among his hobbies are whiskey tasting, business, and solving real-world technological problems.

4. How we handle and boost our codebase and stack in a fast-growing startup

Five years ago, Kiwi.com began its story as a super fast growing startup. Today, we have almost 2 400 employees with more than 400 people in the engineering team. During this time, everything changed several times, including our people, company, vision, goals, and last but not least our codebase and stack. It wouldn’t be possible to handle this growth without following the latest trends in technology and code principles.
In this talk, I will tell you about our codebase and stack: how it changed in the last couple of years, where we want to push it in the future, what tools we use, what we learned that works, and what helped us to maintain rapid growth. I will share with you the lessons learned and my experiences from almost 4 years in this company.

Speaker: Stanislav Stefanic

Stanley is the Booking Tribe Lead at Kiwi.com where he manages over 35 technical people, over 50 projects and takes care of the complex and robust domains of order processing and order changes. He loves to design system architecture from both the technical and business perspectives, thinking about all possible edge cases and obstacles, evaluate risk and decide how to solve the problems, what is his main job in Kiwi.com. Stanley loves solving puzzles, travelling, sports, and fun with good people.

5. Kiwi.com Kahoot.it quiz for 3 x 100 EUR Kiwi.com vouchers
We will ask 16 questions, including 4 questions from each speaker’s presentation. Every question will have with 1 correct answer from 4 possible options. We will test the audience whether they paid attention during the talks and reward the 3 best with Kiwi.com vouchers.

Event organizer:


Event supporters:

Kiwi.com, Travelabs, itcanfly,





Валентин Домбровский

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