Open lecture "Sustainability and the Extreme Lands Development" by professor Dipak Raj Pant (Università Cattaneo - LIUC, Italy)


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О мероприятии

Resource depletion, environmental degradation and climate uncertainties are affecting public health and livelihoods. Therefore, these issues have gained the urgent and informed attention of civic organizations, businesses, governments and international institutions. From the business management point of view ‘sustainability’ means adding value to the existing assets, and avoiding cost and burden for the future. The strategic imperative of any business entity is to create market value and, at the same time, to ensure the continuity of the firm and its stakeholders’ network, i.e. the business-system. A firm with its business-system may create, temporarily, some market value thanks to its stakeholder network coordination, supply chain management and productivity of each unit involved in the business process. But it can’t ensure continuity without ensuring the integrity of community and territory where the stakeholders are based and where they operate, i.e. the place-system, and without obtaining moral legitimacy from the society at large. Business system must take care of the place-system to ensure value-creation over a long period of time.Therefore, it is important to focus on the implementation of ‘sustainability’ in everyday management practice. To be ‘sustainable’ the business strategy should go beyond the respect of legality and beyond the corporate social responsibility. It must lead the civil society with a clear ethical intention regarding environment and society. Therefore, it is necessary to put sustainability at the heart of business strategy as cultural leadership of business. The historically inhabited marginal terrains provide unique opportunity for social and environmental scientists to study human adaptive strategies under adverse living and working conditions. The traditional marginal human habitats in the extreme lands are interesting case-examples of functional economic organization and sustainable management under the harsh conditions of climate, terrain, logistic difficulties, resources scarcity and human vulnerability. The mere survival of the native (indigenous) communities in the extreme lands is an example of resilience and sustainability. The marginal human habitats are a metaphor of sustainability in our times. Because they acutely reflect the local impact of planetary climate uncertainties and global market ramifications. The native communities and their traditions in the remote and marginal human habitats (the ‘extreme lands’ such as tundra, taiga, highlands, deserts, rainforest, savannah, swamps and marshes…) are the sources of scientific hypothesis about sustainability and resilience. They are great test-fields for innovative approach to sustainable local development.

Lecture's language - English.

Stream will be in MS Teams. Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a1b2897a156a04a7695264189a9848664%40thread.tacv2/1589625635698?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2219ba435d-e46c-436a-84f2-1b01e693e480%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%226148f5a9-a3d5-4c28-b8c5-dab822c37e37%22%7d

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If You have any questions about participation, please, write to this email - ekzashitina@sfedu.ru

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