Встреча английского разговорного клуба "Let's speak"

Дополнительное образование Личное профессиональное развитие

Москва, Точка кипения ГУУ Москва

25 октября 2021, с 19:00 до 20:30 по Московскому времени

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О мероприятии

To be or not to be - that's the question. First, we are going to face really difficult questions about children. They are the flowers of our life. Or not? Next, have you ever participated in debates? Either way, you'll have a chance to do something like that. It's not tough, but the questions definitely are. When: October 25th, 19:00 Where: Business center of our university, room №210 Whatever we will talk about - take it easy. And take your friend along, it's going to be fun.




Гусейнов Александр Олегович

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